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  BLOG   by  the Wine Baron
Wine Notebook, Part 20 (June 15, 2007)    by the Wine Baron

The gang and I enjoyed a super talented Stevie Ray Vaughan tribute band at the Rumour Mill in Grimsby this evening.  They're called Rave On.  Note for note, the blues hits kept coming, with authenticity, energy and feeling. Singer/guitarist Renny "Ray" Schweiger is a true showman. He really plays that guitar. It was a highly entertaining evening. I recommend them heartily.

The Rumour Mill was taken over by a new owner about two years ago and is doing great things for Grimsby with all the excellent live entertainment. Try one of their Mill Street Micro-brewed beers (I like the Organic).  Nice scotch selection too. I enjoyed the Dalwhinnie. 

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