The Baroness and I ordered a few pints and set about to carefully examine and savour the brew. Our memories of Dublin still fresh in our minds, we leaned forward and processed our taste buds' reactions. "Wow, this stuff is really close... could it be?" | We sat and pondered, enjoying our chat with John about the beer, but oh so much more. Interesting topics arose. For example, we asked him if he'd seen the movie The Matchmaker, which takes place in Ireland. He seemed intrigued, so we promised to send him an email with the info. But John has some matchmaking of his own to brag about. He takes credit for 32 matches and counting! | We ordered some food. The sweet potato fries, soup and wings are brought. Each of them is excellent! Our thoughts go back to the Guinness. We debate a bit and then come up with a decision. "The Guinness at Allen's is almost exactly the same as in Dublin." I'd say the difference is miniscule. Very close indeed. A superb pour! Thanks to John Maxwell for an evening of good beer, exception food, the perfect ambience, and most important, the invigorating dialog. |  | | Wines and Spirits Too! Allen's is also very passionate about their VQA-only wine list and full range of spirits. We're delighted with the Viewpointe Pinot Grigio and Cabernet Merlot by-the-glass here. And the Irish Whiskey. | |  Postlude: Just as we think the evening is about to end, John says, "have you tried the Guinness at Dora's?" He's referring to Dora Keogh, the Irish pub next door, named for his wife. So we all trot over. More Guinness is being poured. Guess what? The lines are just a bit shorter. The verdict? "Even closer." | |